Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Is it real or is it fake, did YOU just take the bait?

Okay so you think your cool by sticking in a couple of blowup celebrities with a co-pilot dummy. Who's next, the perfect parent Britney driving a bus full of Girl Scouts to a troop meeting ? Give me a break "E!" nobody cares if you want to be like "Ashton", did I just get Punk'd? I would rather see a five hour special on how they clean the sheets at the Chateau Marmont or watch "The Hills" cast go back to Laguna Beach. Wait a second, what's up with reverse roll playing right now guys acting like girls and girls well they just can't act. Are your writers still on strike? No, no this is a reality show and it has always carried around a smell somewhat like "Dancing with the Stars" old, Aqua Net using, "Extra" value meals. Don't fear, I hear they are casting actors uh'hum ACTORS to sell land with Ponch on the late nights.

Well at least Tom's spaceship has room for Oprah and Uncle Tom, oops I meant O'bama. Wait, this is starting to sound like the next episode of Pop Fiction.

What's up with Big Brother 9? The pink hair bicycle freak is being true to the game, what, who am I kidding the idiot has a bow-tie tattoo on his neck. Like he is true to his word, he sent his boyfriend Matty to the sequester house so Josh would quit flirting with him. Oh yeah, how is the male porn treating you these days Jimmy?

I spy a crying guy, is it true that Jorge Clooney has worn out his welcome in the 323? I bet your fearless leader Tony Villar would know. Who would have thought that Tony left his wife to be Hillary's running mate?

Pass the word, not HEP-C!

Who's Next?

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